The Swellview High School Henry Danger Force TV Show T-shirt is a tribute to the fictional high school attended by the beloved characters of the hit Nickelodeon show, Henry Danger. The show, which aired from 2014 to 2020, followed the adventures of Henry Hart, a teenage boy who became the sidekick to the superhero Captain Man. Swellview High School served as the backdrop for many of the show's comedic and action-packed moments, with its quirky students and faculty adding to the show's charm. This t-shirt allows fans to show their love for the show and its memorable setting.
This standard fit t-shirt is made from 100% heavy cotton and is available in sizes S-5XL in a variety of popular colors. The logo, featuring a distressed, cracked, vintage feel, is printed on the front of the Gildan 5000, a classic unisex fit t-shirt made from 5.3 oz, 100% preshrunk cotton with a tear away label.